"The amputation of a fingertip – by a car door, lawn mower, electric fan, or whatever – is one of the most common childhood injuries. The standard treatment is to smooth the exposed bone and stitch the skin closed, or, if the digit has been retrieved and was cleanly cut, to try to reattach it by microsurgery. The sad fact is that even the most painstaking surgery gives less than optimal results. The nails are usually deformed or missing, and the fingers are short and often painful, with a diminished or absent sense of touch."
"In the early 1970s at the emergency room of Sheffield Children’s Hospital in England, one youngster with such an injury benefited from a clerical mixup. The attending physician dressed the wound, but the customary referral to a surgeon for closure was never made. When the error was caught a few days later, surgeon Cynthia Illingworth noticed that the fingertip was regenerating! She merely watched nature takes its course."

"Illingworth began treating other children with such “neglect,” and by 1974 she’d documented several hundred regrown fingertips, all in children eleven years old or younger. Other clinical studies have since confirmed that young children’s fingers cleanly sheared off beyond the outermost crease of the outermost joint will invariably regrow perfectly in about three months. This crease seems to be a sharp dividing line, with no intermediate zone between perfect restoration and none at all."
"Some pediatric surgeons, like Michael Bleicher of New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital, have become so confident in the infallibility of the process that they’ll finish amputating a fingertip that’s just hanging by a bit of flesh. A lost one will regenerate as good as new, whereas one that has merely been mutilated will heal as a stump or with heavy scarring."
"Fingertip regrowth is true multitissue regeneration. A blastema appears and redifferentiates into bone, cartilage, tendon, blood vessels, skin, nail, cuticle, fingerprint, motor nerve, and the half-dozen specialized sensory-nerve ending in the skin. Like limb regeneration in salamanders, this process only occurs if the wound isn’t covered by a flap of skin, as in the usual surgical treatment. Illingworth and her co-worker Anthony Barker have since measured a negative current of injury leaving the stump."
"Sadly, natural replacement has been accepted only at a few hospitals. Bleicher laments his colleagues’ resistance to the evidence: “Mention it to young residents just out of the training program, and they look at you as though you’re crazy. Describe it on grand rounds or at other institutions, and they tell you it’s hogwash.” Nearly all surgeons cling instead to flashier and vastly more expensive yet less effective microsurgical techniques or simple stitches and stunted fingers."
"This discovery and our own research indicated that the potential for at least some artificial regeneration was clearly quite good in young mammals. But what about the ones who needed it most - us older folks whose parts were more likely to be injured or broken down? The answer came unexpectedly several years later, in a way that showed the futility of adhering too rigidly to one’s original plan. The scientist must be free to follow unexpected paths as they appear."
Extract reproduced from "The Body Electric" by Professor Robert O. Becker, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York, 1985.
Recent Research
Post-Amputation Fingertip Regeneration
"One of the most common childhood accidents is injury to a fingertip. The standard surgical procedure is to either suture a skin flap or if the fingertip has been retrieved, to try to attach it and hope for the best. Many times microsurgery is resorted to, to ensure the success and full functionality of the finger. However, in many cases this fails and the digit eventually just falls off. Those that do succeed, end up with either a shorter finger, a deformed / missing nail or with sensory loss of touch."
"Fingertip regrowth is a true composite tissue regeneration involving regeneration of bone, cartilage, tendon, blood vessels, skin, nail, cuticle, fingerprint, and half a dozen of specialized sensory nerve endings."
"Of great interest is the present case study of “Fingertip Regrowth After Amputation.” In this case, the entire fingernail and fingerprint have been recreated in only 30 days compared to the previous documented case in 1995, using silver which required a period of 90 days. This is accomplished entirely by a non-surgical procedure with a much higher success rate than mainstream surgical procedures."
"Such an efficient and rapid regeneration is unprecedented. The closest attempt is a previous world record of 90 days for full regrowth using silver.(10 – Pages 155 - 156) This is set in 1995 by the late Dr. Robert O. Becker at the State University of New York, and recorded in US Patent 5,814,094 (3)."
"A fingernail in the human body normally grows at a steady pace which requires five to six months to replace its entire length (8). If the same length can be regenerated in only a 30 day period, it demonstrates the accelerated healing and regenerative capabilities of nano silver induced stem cell activation therapy. It also demonstrates improvements in activation techniques during the past few years which have made such incredible results a reality."
"The ability of nano silver stem cell activators to dedifferentiate mature cells gives us the ability to produce more stem cells and consequently more progenitor cells than the body does under normal circumstances.(1) In addition, this ability of nano silver to stimulate all pre-existing stem cells to enhance the rate of production of progenitor cells results in an eventual regeneration of the fingertip in an unbelievably short span of time of 30 days.(2) This is roughly five times faster than the unaided body really can achieve. This clearly demonstrates an approximately five-fold accelerated healing and regenerative capabilities of nano silver stem cell activation."
"The fingertip regeneration process occurs only if the wound is left uncovered by a flap of skin.(10 – Page 156) This is quite contradictory to the standard surgical procedure in mainstream medicine. This is a major deviation in the thinking process for present day surgeons who would prefer to react to such situations by resorting to simple stitches or microsurgical techniques."
"Such cases of fingertip regrowth strongly suggests that the human body does have the ability to regenerate body parts given the right stimulus."
"Future developments in the application of stem cell activation could conceivably extend to making limb regeneration a reality."
Case Study 1 – Fingertip Regrowth with Nano Silver Induced Stem Cell Activation
"A seven year old boy suffered fingertip injury to the right hand middle finger. The amputated piece was sutured back as a free composite graft by the general surgeon. Inspection on the fifth day showed that the fingertip was totally nonviable, but the patient was not cooperative and did not allow the graft to be removed. The patient was treated from the third day onwards with topical nano silver stem cell activators over the mentioned site of injury without removal of the graft."
"Within two weeks of topical application of nano silver stem cell activators, the free composite graft finally fell off on its own."

Fingertip Regeneration With Nano Silver Induced Stem Cell Activation – Case Study 1
Courtesy: Dr. Neeta Patel, M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic)
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Member, ISAPS
Complete regrowth of the entire fingertip occurred in four weeks without any permanent deformity.
Extract reproduced from: Nano Silver Induced Stem Cell Activation published in The Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume 13, Textbook Series Spring 2010 by A4M - The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. [pdf file]
Revisiting this Fingertip Six Months Later

Fingertip Regeneration – Case Study 1 Revisited
No scar or deformity seen six months later
Courtesy: Dr. Neeta Patel, M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic)
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Member, ISAPS
Will this child remember when he becomes an adult, which fingertip on which hand was accidentally amputated? Six months later, there is no trace of a scar or deformity left to indicate his fingertip was accidentally amputated. The nightmare is really over!
New Insight
Methods of improving the results achieved so far and the scope of the application of stem cell activation therapy to fingertip regeneration
One of the most important differences between an eleven year old child and a fully grown adult, as far as regenerative medicine is concerned, is the levels of growth hormones in their bodies. Growth hormone levels rapidly decline after the age of 11 years.

In order to improve the scope of application for the fingertip regenerative techniques discussed above, and to take them past the earlier age barrier of 11 years (proposed by the late Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. in his book The Body Electric, 1985), one must find the means to naturally increase and maintain growth hormone levels in the human body during the first few critical weeks or months when the regeneration of the fingertip is to occur. Amino acids such as arginine are known to cause the pituitary gland to naturally secrete growth hormones at an enhanced rate.
Human growth hormones (HGH) regulate more than just growth. Tissue repair, healing, cell replacement, organ health, bone strength, brain function, enzyme production, as well as the health of nails, hair, and skin all require adequate amounts of HGH. (11)
Incorporating the use of growth hormone precursors with stem cell activation therapy, thereby stimulating the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone production, will ensure two important things. Firstly, it will result in much higher efficiency in fingertip regeneration. Secondly, it will also expand the scope of this regenerative science to healthy adults of any age and perhaps lay the foundation to regenerating other body parts as well.
Administration of multivitamin / mineral supplements to increase availability of nutrition in the body will also help improve the overall success rate of adult and child regenerated fingertips.
What should you do in case of an old injured fingertip covered with a skin flap?
Prior Research - 1923 to 1946
Prior to the research of Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon
"Researchers found that when they sewed full-thickness skin grafts over the stumps of amputated salamander legs, the dermis, or inner layer of the skin, acted as a barrier between the apical cap and an essential something in the leg, thereby preventing regeneration. Even a tiny gap in the barrier, however, was enough to allow regrowth."
"In the early 1940s this discovery led S. Meryl Rose, then a young anatomy instructor at Smith College, to surmise that the rapid formation of full-thickness skin over the stumps of adult frogs' legs might be what prevented them from regenerating. Rose tried dipping the wounds in saturated salt solution several times a day to prevent the dermis from growing over the stump. It worked! Most of the frogs whose forelimbs he'd amputated between the elbow and wrist, replaced some of what they'd lost. Serveral regrew well-formed wrist joints, and a few even began to produce one new finger."
"In 1946, Lev Vladimirovich Polezhaev, a young Russian biologist then working in London, concluded a long series of experiments in which he induced partial regeneration in adult frogs, the same success Rose had had, by pricking their limb stumps with a needle every day. Polezhaev then found that a wide variety of irritants produced the same effect, although none of them worked in mammals. His experiments indicated that making the injury worse could make regeneration better and showed that Rose's salt-in-the-wound procedure worked by irritation rather than by preventing dermis growth."
Extract reproduced from "The Body Electric" by Professor Robert O. Becker, M.D., Ortopedic Surgeon, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York, 1985.
New Insight
Methods of improving the results achieved so far and the scope of the application of stem cell activation therapy to fingertip regeneration.
By combining stem cell activation therapy with the strategy to enhance the release of growth hormones in the body; creating a gap in the dermis; and by daily pricking the fingertip, one will help to improve the chances of success in adult fingertip regeneration in mammals even if the amputation has occurred years earlier.
Each prick creates a fresh point of injury which signals the body to send extra stem cells to the site and commence the regeneration process. Multiple pricks can expand the area of regeneration and cause a higher concentration of the body's own stem cells at that location. Topical application of nano silver stem cell activation gel can not only cause dedifferentiation of mature cells into fresh stem cells but can also cause enhanced production of progenitor cells.(1, 2) This will regularly drive the concentration of highly activated stem cells even higher with each daily application of the stem cell activation gel to the freshly pricked area.
The earlier barriers proposed by the late Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., in his book "The Body Electric," 1985, that it will not work in mammals and adults are now being gradually challenged as more adult cases have begun showing encouraging results.
Case Study 2 – Adult Fingertip Regeneration With Stem Cell Activation Therapy
A 23 year old female worker in a factory suffered an injury to the index finger of her right hand on January 28, 2011. Our first approach was to treat the wound with nano silver activated stem cell gel and to verify if the limitations experienced by the late Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., in the treatment of adults were applicable to this particular case. Treatment was started on February 02, 2011. After seeing very little progress at the end of six weeks, it was decided that the limitations experienced by Dr. Becker were equally applicable with our techniques of in vivo activating stem cells.
At that stage, and on March 16th, six weeks later, we began implementing the technique of daily pricking of the finger to see if this strategy when combined with stem cell activation therapy would yield any better results. We were at this stage working on a skin covered fingertip roughly seven weeks from the date of initial injury. A review of the situation after only twelve days, showed tremendous progress which had not been seen in the previous six weeks.
We then added growth hormone precursors and multivitamin / mineral supplements into the treatment to ensure quicker results. Another nine days later, we again saw a quantum jump in the regeneration of the fingertip.
Two weeks later, we decided to stop the daily “pricking” procedure but to continue with topical stem cell activation therapy and with growth hormone enhancing therapy, and let nature takes it own course to bring the finger tip to its final perfection.

Adult Fingertip Regeneration – Case Study 2
Treated With Stem Cell Activation Therapy & Growth Hormone Precursors
Courtesy: Dr. Neeta Patel, M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic)
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Member, ISAPS
What we can safely conclude, is that it would be advisable to add nutritional growth hormone enhancing therapy and nutritional supplements on day one of the stem cell activation therapy to enhance regeneration. It would also be advisable to add “pricking” at an appropriate time much earlier on in the treatment to ensure that the body continues to rely on its inherent regeneration capabilities. It seems possible to that the total of ten weeks of treatment time seen in this case could easily be reduced to four weeks in future adult fingertip regeneration cases. The active period of treatment in this adult case has actually been from March 16th to April 05th 2011, thereby totaling 21 days. This case can also be considered as a regeneration of an old injury fingetip as the active form of treatment wa started only after six weeks. This would again be a considerable improvement over the 90 day period taken in 1995 by the late Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., for regenerating the fingertip of a 21 year old male, as reported in his US Patent No. 5,814,094 (3).
[Special Offer for Doctors / Patients undergoing Nano Silver Stem Cell Activated Faingertip Regeneration for the first time].
Case Study 3– Adult Fingertip - Regeneration of Fingertip With Full Skin Coverage
A 21 year old college student suffered an accident while riding her motorcycle. Her right hand and palm suffered maximum damage which required extensive suturing.
The middle finger suffered extensive damage with total loss of nail. The ring finger showed full thickness loss of skin and soft tissue with exposed extensor tendon with fractured and crushed distal phalanx, also with total loss of nail and nail bed. An area of composite tissue deficit was created in the ring fingertip as a result of the accidental fall from her bike.
Stem cell activation therapy in the form of a topical gel was immediately started on October 23, 2010. At the end of 23 days the middle finger showed excellent regeneration and was almost completed covered by a full length nail. The results acheived in this adult case are consistent with the results achieved in the case of the seven year old child and the 23 year old girl as discussed earlier. This strongly suggets that regeneration is entirely possible in 30 days with the current state of art acheived so far.
However, the ring finger which had more damage did not show much progress even in terms of regeneration of tissue loss. Regeneration of the ring finger seemed an uphill battle.
At this stage, further treatment was stopped by the patient.
Four months later, on March 15, 2011, the patient returned with more determination. There was hardly any progress to show in the case of the ring finger, which was now completely covered with skin. It was then decided to adopt the “pricking” procedure outlined above to recommence the body's inherent regeneration process. At the same time, we restarted the topical application of the stem cell activation gel.
In about 10 days the area of deficit began to fill up with fresh tissue, but no nail could be seen emerging as the nail bed was still not completely formed. At this stage, it was decided to also introduce the growth hormone enhancing therapy into the equation. Four weeks later the finger took on a healthy look but no nail was in sight.
What was remarkable was that both the middle finger and the ring finger, now looked years younger than the other fingers. They had literally lost all the wrinkle lines normally seen in other fingers and the skin began looking like that of a child.

Adult Fingertip Regeneration – Case Study 3
Regeneration of Fingertip With Full Skin Coverage
Courtesy: Dr. Neeta Patel, M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic)
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Member, ISAPS
What we perhaps see at this stage, four weeks after recommencing the regeneration process, are two small vertical lines emerging probably from either side of the nail bed. The nail bed still does not appear to be completely developed due to the severe mutilation of the finger.
Updates to this case will be released from time to time when available.
The techniques described above could also be possibly used to regenerate fingertips previously damaged and surgically treated in the past. The treatment being so very simple and risk free, it does not require complex medical skills or equipment to implement. It may be possible to have a registered nurse administer the daifly treatment under the supervision and guidance of a family physician.
It would be worth pursuing the procedures outlined in these cases to begin collection of more clinical data to further develop the science of regenerating fingertips. This might lead to furthering our understanding and development of protocols for the regeneration of other body parts as well.
We request readers to come forward and refer more such challenging cases to us for furthering our knowledge in this groundbreaking research. This will enable rapid progress in the field of regenerative medicine for the benefit of mankind.
[Special Offer for Doctors / Patients undergoing Nano Silver Stem Cell Activated Faingertip Regeneration for the first time].
Topical Application of Gel containing Nano Silver Stem Cell Activators
The local antibiotic effect of silver nano particles (4) has been well established for over 4 decades now (5). The topical application of a gel containing nano silver will help to prevent post surgical infections, dehiscence and hypertrophic scar formation at each point of entry. Daily application will cause rapid wound healing and also help maintain high surface concentration of nano silver for transdermal delivery to area under consideration for enhanced stem cell activation on an on going basis over an initial period of 8 to 12 weeks.
Topical gels with nano silver stem cell activators find application in non healing wounds, ulcers, burns, gangrene; help reduce post surgical infections, scars and dehiscence and help in the treatment of diabetic foot by reducing the risk of amputation to negligible levels. [Check Photo Gallery pdf file]
Other Applications of Nano Silver Activators
1. For Fingertip Regrowth after amputation. [Photo Gallery pdf file]. This has been achieved in only 30 days. The entire fingernail and finger print have been recreated on the amputated finger. [Testimonials]
This is a world record, as the last documented case in 1995 of Stem Cell Induced Fingertip Regrowth with silver by the late Dr. Robert Becker, M.D., Professor of Medicine, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York took 90 days (10 - Pages 155 - 156) for full growth as is also recorded in US Patent 5.814,094. (3)
Supporting Treatments required to create proper foundation for success of Stem Cell Treatments:
- Detoxification and Rejuvenation of the body is the first necessary step to ensure the success of all stem cell treatments. For info: http://www.space-age.com/detox.html
- Intracellular nutritional correction of the nutritional profile of the body to ensure adequate reserves of intracellular nutrition to carry out stem cell induced repairs in the body and anti-age various organs of the body. Also helps to reverse chronic diseases which may have caused the injury which necessitated the stem cell repair
of the body.
For info: http://www.space-age.com/aging.html
1. Induced dedifferentiation: A possible alternative to embryonic stem cell transplants, Robert O. Becker, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Upstate Medical Center, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13210. USA, NeuroRehabilitation 17 (2002) 23-31 IOS Press [pdf file]
2. Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing, Robert O. Becker, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Health Science Center, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13202. USA,
Electro and Magnetobiology, 19(1), 1-19 (2000) [pdf file]
3. United State Patent (19) Becker et al. (11) Patent Number: 5,814,094 (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 29, 1998 [pdf file]
4. Dr. (Major) M. P. Vora, 2% Silver Nitrate Solution (Crede’s method of prophylaxis) came into use to prevent blindness in newly-born infants due to Gonococcal infection during birth. Ref.: V.D. Prophylaxis And Prevention, The Indian Practitioner, Vol. XXXI, No. 5 of May 1978. http://www.stdpioneer.org/prohylaxis.html [html file]
5. Crede, C.S.F.: Die Verhutung der Augenzundung der Neugeborenen, Arch. Gynakol, 17.50, 1881
6. Detoxification and intracellular nutrition in anti-aging, Pramod Vora, A4M Textbook of Anti-aging Medicine, Spring 2009, Volume 12. http://www.space-age.com/voraamt12spring09.pdf
7. Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Cellular and Molecular basis of wound healing in diabetes.
JCI (2007), 117(5):1219–1222. PMID 17476353.
8. M. J. Babcock, Rutgers University, New Jersey, Methods for Measuring Fingernail Growth Rates in Nutritional Studies, The Journal of Nutrition, August 19, 1954
9. Sunil S Tholpady, Ramon Llull, Roy C Ogle, J Peter Rubin, J William Futrell, Adam J Katz, Adipose tissue: stem cells and beyond, Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 01/02/2006; 33(1):55-62, vi.
10. The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, 1985. ISBN :0688069711
11. Prescription for Nutritional Healing A-to-Z Guide to Supplements & Prescription for Dietary Wellness. Page 713
Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D., Member of the American Medical Association, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
Nano Silver Induced Stem Cell Activation
Manuscript published in A4M - The American Academy of Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Spring 2010, Volume 13
Expert Comments and Encouragement
Fingertip Regeneration - Integrating Stem Cell Activation Therapy into Fingertip Regenerative Medicine
Manuscript accepted for publication by A4M - The American Academy for Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Spring 2011, Volume 14
Test Report showing "No Growth" of Gram Postive and Gram Negative Bacteria and Fungus (Candida) from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator. Download file in pdf format..
Research shows that Nano Silver Particles can kill HIV-1 Virus. Download Word doc file
Test Report showing "No Growth" of HIV-1 Virus from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator. Download file in pdf format.
Press Release - The Indian Practioner,
Vol. 55, No. 9 of September 2002
Testimony for treatment of HIV-1 Virus
Misuse Of Antibiotics - My Doctor Magazine - June 2002
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Journal of Medical Physics 2007, Vol. 32, Issue 3,
(Ganesh T. News. J Med Phys 2007;32:135-8)
Press Release on Swine Flu Pandemic in India
Nano Silver Activates Stem Cells
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