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Chronic Renal Failure / Kidney Disease

Our Website http://www.space-age.com has been created for those individuals who are seeking Health Care through totally Natural means.

We have a well Experimental Protocol for people diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure / Kidney Disease and / or who are on Dialysis.

The Protocol is based on the use of Natural Herbs for Detoxification and Rejuvenation of Body Organs and has shown remarkable results during the past ten years where the number of weekly dialysis's have been brought down considerably. Some individuals have done away with Dialysis due to a substantial revival of Kidney Function. The Protocol also uses Therapeutic doses of Nutrition which is administered at Intracellular Level by the use of special Carrier Mechanism which alters Cell Membrane permeability to carry Nutrition to the center of the cell where it is really required. This opens up the possibility of repair to damaged organs of the body.

The Protocol further relies on the use of Growth Hormone Precursors to rebuild and regenerate damaged Organs.

More information on use of Detoxification to improve Creatinine and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) value is given at:

To understand Optimum Value of Renal functions please go to:

To understand the use of Growth Hormone Precursors please go to:

Individuals who are on Dialysis and awaiting a Kidney donor are recommended to find out more about this Protocol by contacting: E-mail: spaceage@space-age.com

SpaceAge International

Email: spaceage@space-age.com
Internet: http://www.space-age.com